
Motor, O2 canister case, tent poles, ball, marker, steel, cigarette.
120″h 56″w 12″d

The ball head has a face with an old gross cigarette in its mouth. It “floats” around the room, attached to the oxygen tank case below that acts as an immovable anchor. Like a parade float it surveys from above, ghostly and dream-like, while the oxygen case forces people to walk around it with a precarious distance. 

This work comes from a feeling of detachment from the human race that most of us experience from time to time, as we continue to be a part of it, like everyone else, in one way or another.

While making this work, I attached the cigarette to the ball and started the motor inside of the oxygen tank case that moves the ball round and round. I drew the eyes while it was moving, making marks with each passing rotation where I hoped the eyes could be, letting chance be a factor as a way to have the face develop its own personality. 

I look at actions like this as a way to collaborate with the object, instead of having only my own hand dictate every part of its existence. .